SU 1-3

SU 1-3

।। Verse 3 ।।
te dhyānayogānugatā apaśyan
debatātmaśaktiṃ sbaguṇairnigūḍhām।
yaḥ kāraṇāni nikhilāni tāni
kālātmayuktānyadhitiṣṭhatyekaḥ।। 1/3
Translation:-  Those sages, the seers of brahman abandoned the argumentation and meditated to realize the root cause of all causes. They realizes the paramātmā, whose energy are the Prakṛti, Jivātmā, and the time, as the cause of the universe. 
-: Commentary by Raṅgarāmānuja :- ebaṃ dhyānayogayuktāmunayao'pahaṇapāpmā dibyo deba eko nārāyaṇa iti śrutiprasiddha debaśabdita nārāyṇātmikāṃ kāryopayogyapṛthakasiddhabiśeṣaṇatbena śaktiśabditāṃ sattbarajastamolakṣaṇasbaguṇopetāṃ brahmaṇo jagatkāraṇatbanirbāhikāṃ prakṛtiṃ dṛṣṭavanta ityarthaḥ tataḥparaṃ taccharīrakaṃ sarbabidhakāraṇaṃ sarbakāraṇādhiṣṭhātāraṃ samābhyadhikaśūṇyaparamātmānamapi dṛṣṭabanta ityāha।।  
Translation of commentary:-  
The great sages by meditation saw the cause of the universe, the lord nārāyaṇa, who is the inner soul of the prakṛti, who is described in the śruti as — apahatapāpmā dibyo debaḥ eko nārāyaṇa. So this prakṛti, the body of the supersoul, is the biśeṣaṇa of the supersoul nārāyaṇa. And this biśeṣaṇa is apṛthakasiddha means  the body and soul relation of the prakṛti and paramātmā is eternal. The word śakti in the mantra of upaniṣada means the prakṛti. The three modes of the prakṛti is sattva, raja and tama. The word śakti signifies that the brahman is the cause of the universe. (the material nature is a potency of brahma which is the component of universe. So brahman is the upādāna kāraṇa) 
The sages further realised that the brahman, whose body is the prakṛti, is the cause of the universe, and who presides over all causes. There is no equal or superior than him. 
-: Commentary by Raṅgarāmānuja :-  uktorthaḥ cittasaukarjyāya taṃ cakratvena rūpayati—
Translation of commentary:- 
To comprehend the meaning stated in this mantra, the brahman, which is the cause of the universe, explained metaphorically as a wheel in the next mantra. 
Gaudiya commentary:- The sages meditated and realized that the time, nature, destiny, the unseen, etc. all are controlled by the supreme being. 
स एवेदं ससर्जाग्रे भगवानात्ममायया ।
सदसद्रूपया चासौ गुणमयागुणो विभु: ॥ ३० ॥
तया विलसितेष्वेषु गुणेषु गुणवानिव ।
अन्त:प्रविष्ट आभाति विज्ञानेन विजृम्भित: ॥ ३१ ॥
ভাঃ ১/২/৩০-৩১
অনুবাদ:- In the beginning of the material creation, that Absolute Personality of Godhead [Vāsudeva], in His transcendental position, created the energies of cause and effect by His own internal energy.

After creating the material substance, the Lord [Vāsudeva] expands Himself and enters into it. And although He is within the material modes of nature and appears to be one of the created beings, He is always fully enlightened in His transcendental position.
स एष भगवाल्लिंङ्गैस्त्रिभिरेतैरधोक्षज: ।
स्वलक्षितगतिर्ब्रह्मन् सर्वेषां मम चेश्वर: ॥ २० ॥
कालं कर्म स्वभावं च मायेशो मायया स्वया ।
आत्मन् यद‍ृच्छया प्राप्तं विबुभूषुरुपाददे ॥ २१ ॥ (SB 2/5/20-21)
অনুবাদ:- O Brāhmaṇa Nārada, the Superseer, the transcendent Lord, is beyond the perception of the material senses of the living entities because of the above-mentioned three modes of nature. But He is the controller of everyone, including me.The Lord, who is the controller of all energies, thus creates, by His own potency, eternal time, the fate of all living entities, and their particular nature, for which they were created, and He again merges them independently.