SU 1-7

SU 1-7

।। Verse 7।।
udagītametat paramantu brahma
tasmitstrayaṃ svapratiṣṭhā'kṣarañca।
atrāntaraṃ brahmabido biditvā
līnā brahmaṇi tatparā yonimuktāḥ।।

Translation:- The supreme being is Akṣaravastu and eminently proclaimed as self established. The Paramātmā is the shelter of the three Tattvas the Prakṛti, Jivātmā, and time. The knowers of Brahman, by knowing these three Tattvas are different from the Brahman, became liberated from the bondage of material body and united with the Brahman.
-:Commentary of raṅgarāmānuja:-
etat cakrarūpatayā prāṅanirddiṣṭameba nārāyaṇaḥ paraṃbrahma sbe mahimni pratiṣṭhitaḥ “etadbai tadakṣaraṃ gārgi brāhmaṇā abhibadanti" ityādi bedānta bākyeṣu parabrahmatbena sbapratiṣṭhatbenākṣaratbena codagītaṃ uccairgītaṃ udagīthamiti pāṭhe'pi sa ebārthaḥ। tasmin sbapratiṣṭhākṣararūpe brahmaṇi prakṛtipuruṣakālarūpaṃ trayaṃ āśritamityarthaḥ। tatparāḥ brahmaparāḥ brahmaprepsabaḥ īdṛśaṃ prakṛtipuruṣakālānāṃ bibekaṃ teṣāṃ paramātmanaścāpṛthakasiddhataya়ādhārādheya bhābalakṣaṇamantaraśabditaṃ bhedaṃ biditbā prakṛtibandhabinirmuktāḥ santaḥparamaṃ sāmyaṃ prāpyābhinnatayā adarśanalakṣaṇalayaṃ gatā ityarthaḥ।।
Translation of commentary:-
The Brahmacakra described in the previous mantra is the Lord nārāyaṇa. He is Parabrahman. He is established by his own glory. In the Vedanta the Brahman has been glorified loudly as Akṣarabastu and self established, — ‘O Gārgī, the Brāhmaṇas, who are the knowers of Brahman, describes the Brahman as Akṣarabastu. Udagīthaṃ or Udagītaṃ both has similar meaning— ‘has been sung aloud'. The time, nature and Puruṣa (soul) these three are placed in the Brahman, who is self established. ‘Tatparā' means who desires to get brahma. So those who wants to get Brahman, understands the nature, soul and time as three different objects, and they have eternal identical relation with the Brahman. This knowledge of ādhāra ādheya relation of these three (nature, soul, time) with the Brahman, liberates one from material bondage. And he attains Paramasāmya with Brahman. Paramasāmya means the Jivas realizes he is not this body, but similar in nature with Brahman.
-:Commentary of raṅgarāmānuja:-
nanu prakṛti sambandhe jībaparayorabibiśiṣṭe sati jībasya kuto bandhaḥ parasya kuto na ityatrāha—
Translation of commentary:-
Now a question arises that when there is similar relation of Prakṛti with Jībātmā and paramātmā, then why the Jīvās are fallen in material bondage alone. Why not Paramātmā also? This is answered in the next mantra. 
Gaidiya vaishnava commentary:-
এবং সকৃদ্দদশার্জঃ পরব্রহ্মাত্মনাখিলান্।
যস্য ভাসা সর্বমিদং বিভাতি সচরাচরম্।। ১০/১৩/৫৫
অনুবাদ:- এভাবে ব্রহ্মা পরব্রহ্মকে দর্শন করলেন, যার শক্তির দ্বারা সমগ্র বিশ্ব চরাচর প্রকাশিত হয়েছে। তিনি তখন সমস্ত গোবৎস ও গোপবালকদের ও ভগবানের বিস্তার রূপে দর্শন করেছিলেন।