S.B 1.1.2

S.B 1.1.2

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|| 1.1.2 ||

dharmaḥ projjhita-kaitavo’tra paramo nirmatsarāṇāṁ satāṁ
vedyaṁ vāstavam atra vastu śivadaṁ tāpa-trayonmūlanam |
śrīmad-bhāgavate mahā-muni-kṛte kiṁ vā parair īśvaraḥ
sadyo hṛdy avarudhyate’tra kṛtibhiḥ śuśrūṣubhis tat-kṣaṇāt ||2||

śrīdharaḥ : idānīṁ śrotṛ-pravartanāya śrī-bhāgavatasya kāṇḍa-traya-viṣayebhyaḥ sarva-śāstrebhyaḥ śraiṣṭhyaṁ darśayati dharma iti | atra śrīmati sundare bhāgavate paramo dharmo nirūpyate | paramatve hetuḥ | prakarṣeṇojjhitaṁ kaitavaṁ phalābhisandhi-lakṣaṇaṁ kapaṭaṁ yasmin saḥ | pra-śabdena mokṣābhisandhir api nirastaḥ | kevalam īśvarārādhana-lakṣaṇo dharmo nirūpyata ity adhikārito’pi dharmasya paramatvam āha | nirmatsarāṇāṁ parotkarṣāsahanaṁ matsaraḥ | tad-rahitānām | satāṁ bhūtānukampinām | evaṁ karma-kāṇḍa-viṣayebhyaḥ śāstrebhyaḥ śraiṣṭhyam uktam | jñāna-kāṇḍa-viṣayebhyo’pi śraiṣṭhyam āha vedyam iti | vāstavaṁ paramārtha-bhūtaṁ vastu vedyaṁ na tu vaiśaiṣikāṇām iva dravya-guṇādi-rūpam | yad vā, vāstava-śabdena vastuno’ṁśo jīvaḥ, vastunaḥ śaktir māyā, vastunaḥ kāryaṁ jagac ca, tat sarvaṁ vastv eva na tataḥ pṛthag iti vedyam ayatnenaiva jñātuṁ śakyam ity arthaḥ |

tataḥ kim ? ata āha—śivadaṁ parama-sukhadam | kiṁ ca, ādhyātmikādi-tāpa-trayonmūlanaṁ ca | anena jñāna-kāṇḍa-viṣayebhyaḥ śraiṣṭhyaṁ darśitam | kartṛto’pi śraiṣṭhyam āha | mahā-muniḥ śrī-nārāyaṇas tena prathamaṁ saṁkṣepataḥ kṛte | devatā-kāṇḍa-viṣaya-gataṁ śraiṣṭhyam āha—kiṁ veti | paraiḥ śāstrais tad-ukta-sādhanair veśvaro hṛdi kiṁ vā sadya evāvarudhyate sthirī kriyate | vā-śabdaḥ kaṭākṣe | kiṁ tu vilambena kathaṁcid eva | atra tu śuśrūṣubhiḥ śrotum icchedbhir eva tat-kṣaṇād evāvrudhyate | idam eva tarhi kim iti sarve na śṛṇvanti tatrāha kṛtibhir iti | śravaṇecchā tu puṇyair vinā notpadyata ity arthaḥ | tasmād atra kāṇḍa-trayārthasyāpi yathāvat pratipādanād idam eva sarva-śāstrebhyaḥ śraiṣṭhyam, ato nityam etad eva śrotavyam iti bhāvaḥ ||2||

Translation:- To enhance the eagerness to hear bhāgabatama byāsadeba said this bhāgabata purāṇa is best among all scriptires describing three divisions of vedas karmakānḍa, jñānakānḍa, debatākānḍa. This bhāgabata purāṇa propounds the highest truth. Why highest? Because it is ujjhita kaitaba completely rejecting all the religious activities which are materially motivated and with a desire of results. As it describing a desireless activity so superior among all religion.

The suffix pra in projjhita indicates this purāṇa even rejecting the desire of liberation. This purāṇa only propounds the religion which worship the lord with affection.

Also in eligibilty point of view this purāṇa describing the religion is practised by those devotees who are fully pure in heart nirmaৎsarāṇāṃ satām. maৎsara means jealousy. This religion is for jealousless saints. Thus byāsadeba shows this purāṇa is superior to the scriptures describing karmakānḍa.

This purāṇa is also superior among those scriptures describing jñānakānḍa. How? byāsadeba said bedyama bāstabama atra bastu— Other scriptures deals with material worldly substances. But this purāṇa describing only the factual substance, the supreme personality of godhead is understandable, not the drabyaguṇa according to baiśeṣika, or nature according to sāṃkhya.

Or bāstaba means the ultimate substance the supreme lord and his energy māya়ā his part and parcels the souls,and the universe created by him.

What will be the benefit of knowing the ultimate substance?

So he said śibadam tāpatraya়onmūlanam means it gives absolute bliss and uproots three folds of miseries, these are (1) those miseries which arise from the mind and body, (2) those miseries inflicted by other living beings, and (3) those miseries arising from natural catastrophes over which one has no control. Thus the bhāgabata purāṇa compiled by byāsadeba is superior among the scriptures propounds jñānakānḍa. mahāmuni means the lord nārāya়ṇa who first gave this in a gist to brahmājī which is elaborated by byāsadeba.

To establish the superiority of the bhāgabatama among the purāṇa which are describing upāsanā kānḍa of vedas byāsadeba says

By following other scriptures the supreme lord may enters in the heart of devotees after long practise of renunciation, sense control and austerities, But one who only desire to hear the bhāgabata purāṇa the supreme lord is established in his heart.

Now one may argues that—why not all peoples wants to hear śrīmadabhāgabatama? So Vāsadeva says that without virtueous activity one not develops desire to hearing. Only one has some sort of sukṛti he develops desire to hear bhāgabata kathā.

Thus śrīmadabhāgabatama which presents the as it is meaning of three divisions of vedas, and superior among all scriptures should only be heard.

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