S.B 1.1.5

S.B 1.1.5

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|| 1.1.5 ||

ta ekadā tu munayaḥ prātar hutahutāgnayaḥ |
satkṛtaṁ sūtam āsīnaṁ papracchur idam ādarāt ||

śrīdhara svāmi : sāyaṁkāle hutā eva hutā agnayo yais te | yad vā hūyata iti hutaṁ dadhy-ādi tena hutā agnayo yais te | yad vā prātaḥ-kāle hutā eva hutā agnayo yais te | anena nitya-naimittika-homa-sākalyaṁ darśitam | idaṁ vakṣyamāṇam ādarāt papracchuḥ ||5||
 hutāgni means the sages who performed fire sacrifice in the evening.
Or what is given in oblations like curds, butter, are called hutaṃ. By these who performed fire sacrifice are called hutāgni
Or the sages who performed their morning duties like fire sacrifice etc. Thus the word hutāgnayaḥ signifies both daily and occasional fire sacrifice.
The sages after completing the fire sacrifice asked suta gosvāmī with great affection in the following verses.