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śrīdhara svāmi: vividiṣitān arthān praṣṭuṁ sūtasya sarva-śātra-jñānātiśayam āhuḥ—tvayeti tribhiḥ ślokaiḥ | itihāso mahābhāratādis tat-sahitāni | na kevalam adhītāni apitv ākhyātāny api vyākhyātāni ca | uta api yāni dharma-śāstrāṇi tāny api ||6||
The desired answer of their question can be given by one who knows all the scriptures. And suta gosvāmī has this knowledge which is told by the word tvayā khalu etc.
itihāsa means mahābhārata, rāmāyaṇa etc. And suta gosvāmī learned the purāṇas with itihāsa. And ākhyātānyapi means not only you learned them you also explained them.
dharmaśāstrāṇi yānyuta means not only he explained the itihāsa and purāṇas also all the scriptures are explained by him.
|| 1.1.6 ||
ṛṣaya ūcuḥ—
tvayā khalu purāṇāni setihāsāni cānagha |
ākhyātāny apy adhītāni dharmaśāstrāṇi yāny uta ||
The desired answer of their question can be given by one who knows all the scriptures. And suta gosvāmī has this knowledge which is told by the word tvayā khalu etc.
itihāsa means mahābhārata, rāmāyaṇa etc. And suta gosvāmī learned the purāṇas with itihāsa. And ākhyātānyapi means not only you learned them you also explained them.
dharmaśāstrāṇi yānyuta means not only he explained the itihāsa and purāṇas also all the scriptures are explained by him.