Prediction of incarnation of caitanya mahaprabhu in scriptures
Read in Bengali
There are many vedic scriptures that predicts the incarnation of Lord Sri krishna to appear as Sri krshna Chaitanya. The devotees of Sri Chaitanya, who wrote the biography of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu quoted from various puranas, but unfortunately parts of many of the puranas are lost. You may found various verses used by Madhvacharya in his commentary to establish dvaitavad and refute advaitavad cannot be identified. Because most of the verses of huge voluminous puranas are lost.
But by the research of Gaudiya Scripture team many such verses in the puranas of recent authentic edition are discovered.
Here are 8 verses are given from various scriptures like Mahabharat, Purana, tantra, and pancharatric texts, which predicts the incarnation of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
1) Vayu puran predicts Sri krishna born as Chaitanya mahaprabhu, the son of saci
Sesh khanda of Vayu puran 14th chapter verse 28śrī gautama uvāca
sa debānāha tad Viṣṇurguhyād guhyatamaṃ bacaḥ।। 27
dibijā bhubi jāyadhvaṃ jāyadhvaṃ bhaktarūpiṇaḥ।
kalau saṅkīrtanārambhe bhabiṣyāmi śacīsutaḥ।। 28
kṛte japairmama prīti stretāyāṃ homa karmabhiḥ।
dvāpare paricaryyābhiḥ kalau saṃkīrttanairapi।। 29
Translation:- śrī gautama said, thus Lord Vishnu, despite being omniscient was equally devoted by Brahma and told the demigods which is even the most secretive of secrets. O demigods, please advent on the earth as devotees in Kali-yuga. To inaugurate sankirtana, I will incarnate as the son of śacī , by your nama sankirtan. I am satisfied by mantra meditation in the Satya Yuga, fire sacrifice in Treta Yuga, worship in the Dwapar Yuga and Nam sankirtan in Kali Yuga.
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Source:- Vayu puran vol 2 Anandaashram Sanskrit series edition year of publish |
2) Bṛhannāradīya purāṇa describes Sri Krishna will incarnates as devotee in Kali yuga to preach Sankirtana as Chaitanya mahaprabhu
Bṛhannāradīya purāṇa mentions the supreme personality of the godhead incarnates in Kali Yuga in a concealed form, as a devotee.śrībhagabāna uvāca
ahameba dvijaśreṣṭha nityaṃ pracchanna bigrahaḥ।
bhagabadbhaktarūpena lokāna rakṣāmi sarbadā।।
The lord said O brahmana, I will deliver all the worlds, concealing myself in the form of a devotee of the Lord in Kali-yuga.
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Source:- Brihannaradiya Puran Chowkhamba Sanskrit series edition page no 55 year of publish |
3) śrīmadabhāgavatama describes Chaitanya mahaprabhu as the Golden incarnation in the age of kali.
The sage Garga told to Nanda maharaj that—
āsan varṇās trayo hy asya
gṛhṇato ’nuyugaṁ tanūḥ
śuklo raktas tathā pīta
idānīṁ kṛṣṇatāṁ gataḥ
Translation:- Your son Kṛṣṇa appears as an incarnation in every millennium. In the past, He assumed three different colors — white, red and yellow — and now He has appeared in a blackish color.
So in Satya yuga the Supreme personality of godhead incarnates in white coloured form, in tretāyuga he appears in a red coloured form and establish the yugadharma, in Dvāpara yuga he appeared in a blackish coloured form. So now in this age of kali he is yellow in colour.
The sage karabhājana also explained the four incarnations of four Yuga, to the king Nimi.
kṛte śuklaś catur-bāhur jaṭilo valkalāmbaraḥ
S.B 11/5/21
Translation:- In Satya-yuga the Lord is white and four-armed, has matted locks and wears a garment of tree bark.
tretāyāṁ rakta-varṇo ’sau catur-bāhus tri-mekhalaḥ S.B 11/5/24
Translation:- In Tretā-yuga the Lord appears with a red complexion. He has four arms, golden hair, and wears a triple belt representing initiation into each of the three Vedas.
dvāpare bhagavāñ śyāmaḥ pīta-vāsā nijāyudhaḥ S.B 11/5/27
Translation:- In Dvāpara-yuga the Supreme Personality of Godhead appears with a dark blue complexion, wearing yellow garments.
In this way he described the incarnations and the method of worship of Satya, Treta, and Dwapar Yugas. And now he is describing the worshipable deity of Kali yuga and its worship.
kṛṣṇa-varṇaṁ tviṣākṛṣṇaṁ
yajñaiḥ saṅkīrtana-prāyair
yajanti hi su-medhasaḥ S.B 11/5/32
In the Age of Kali, intelligent persons perform congregational chanting to worship the incarnation of Godhead who constantly sings the names of Kṛṣṇa. Although His complexion is not blackish, He is Kṛṣṇa Himself. He is accompanied by His associates, servants, weapons and confidential companions.
Also prahlāda mahārāja says that
(Srimad Bhagavatam 7.9.38)
āsan varṇās trayo hy asya
gṛhṇato ’nuyugaṁ tanūḥ
śuklo raktas tathā pīta
idānīṁ kṛṣṇatāṁ gataḥ
Translation:- Your son Kṛṣṇa appears as an incarnation in every millennium. In the past, He assumed three different colors — white, red and yellow — and now He has appeared in a blackish color.
So in Satya yuga the Supreme personality of godhead incarnates in white coloured form, in tretāyuga he appears in a red coloured form and establish the yugadharma, in Dvāpara yuga he appeared in a blackish coloured form. So now in this age of kali he is yellow in colour.
The sage karabhājana also explained the four incarnations of four Yuga, to the king Nimi.
kṛte śuklaś catur-bāhur jaṭilo valkalāmbaraḥ
S.B 11/5/21
Translation:- In Satya-yuga the Lord is white and four-armed, has matted locks and wears a garment of tree bark.
tretāyāṁ rakta-varṇo ’sau catur-bāhus tri-mekhalaḥ S.B 11/5/24
Translation:- In Tretā-yuga the Lord appears with a red complexion. He has four arms, golden hair, and wears a triple belt representing initiation into each of the three Vedas.
dvāpare bhagavāñ śyāmaḥ pīta-vāsā nijāyudhaḥ S.B 11/5/27
Translation:- In Dvāpara-yuga the Supreme Personality of Godhead appears with a dark blue complexion, wearing yellow garments.
In this way he described the incarnations and the method of worship of Satya, Treta, and Dwapar Yugas. And now he is describing the worshipable deity of Kali yuga and its worship.
kṛṣṇa-varṇaṁ tviṣākṛṣṇaṁ
yajñaiḥ saṅkīrtana-prāyair
yajanti hi su-medhasaḥ S.B 11/5/32
In the Age of Kali, intelligent persons perform congregational chanting to worship the incarnation of Godhead who constantly sings the names of Kṛṣṇa. Although His complexion is not blackish, He is Kṛṣṇa Himself. He is accompanied by His associates, servants, weapons and confidential companions.
Also prahlāda mahārāja says that
(Srimad Bhagavatam 7.9.38)
4) Mahābhārata describes Caitanya Mahāprabhu as the Golden coloured incarnation of Sri krishna who took renunciation.
There is mention of golden incarnation of the Lord and the Lord took renunciation to deliver the people, in mahābhārata anuśāsana parba chapter 149 verse 75 and verse 92.sannyasa-krc chamah santo nistha-santi-parayanah (verse 75)
Translation:- sannyasa-krt means He accepts the renounced order of life.
sama: He is fully sense-controlled or equipoised.
santa: He is completely peaceful.
nistha: He is rigidly fixed in the chanting of the holy name of Lord Krishna.
santi-parayana: He is the highest abode of devotion and peace.
suvarna-varno hemango varangas candanangadi (verse 92)
Translation:- suvarna-varna: He has a golden complexion.
hemanga: He has the appearance of molten gold.
varanga: He is exquisitely beautiful.
candanangadi: The Lord’s body is smeared with sandalwood pulp
Translation:- suvarna-varna: He has a golden complexion.
hemanga: He has the appearance of molten gold.
varanga: He is exquisitely beautiful.
candanangadi: The Lord’s body is smeared with sandalwood pulp
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Mahabharat published by Bhandarkar oriental research institute |
The sage karabhājana said to king Nimi that in the age of Kali, people will worship the supreme personality of godhead according to the methods described in different Tantra, Pancharatra, etc.
kalāv api tathā śṛṇu" S.B 11/5/31
In Kali-yuga also people worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead by following various regulations of the revealed scriptures(Pañcarātras, Tantras) . Now kindly hear of this from me.
kalāv api tathā śṛṇu" S.B 11/5/31
In Kali-yuga also people worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead by following various regulations of the revealed scriptures(Pañcarātras, Tantras) . Now kindly hear of this from me.
5) Narad pancharatra describes Sri Chaitanya as a name of the Sri krishna.
The name of Lord Chaitanya, Nityananda, and Advaita acharya is mentioned in the Nārada pañcarātra 4th rātra chapter 8 verse 116- 117.bhaktapriyo bhaktidātā dāmodara ibhaspatiḥ।
indradarpaharo'nanto nityānandacidātmakaḥ।।
adbaitācāranipunoḥ adbaitaḥ paramanāyakaḥ।।
Translation:- Among the various names of the supme personality of godhead the Nityananda, Chaitanya, Advaita these three names are mentioned here.
6) urdhamnay samhita describes the method of worship of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
The urdhamnay samhita contains Gauranga mantra, worship of Lord gauranga.śrī Vyāsa uvāca।
kena rūpena bhagabān pūjitaḥ syāt sukhābahaḥ।
ghore kaliyuge prāpte tanme bada dayānidhe।।
śrī nārada uvāca।
kṛṣṇarūpena bhagabān kalau pāpapraṇāśakṛt।
gaurarūpena bhagabān bhābitaḥ pūjitastathā।।
śrī Vyāsa uvāca।
mahāpātakarāśīṃśca dahatyāśu na saṃśayaḥ।
kena mantreṇa bhagabān gaurāṅgaḥ paripūjitaḥ।
sukhābahaḥ syāt lokānāṃ tanme bruhi mahāmune।।
śrī Nārada uvāca।
aho gūḍhatamaḥ praśno bhabatā parikīrttitaḥ।
mantraṃ bakṣyāmi te brahman mahāpūṇyapradaṃ śubhaṃ।।
oṃ gaurāya nama ityeṣa mantro lokeṣu pūjitaḥ।
dbibhūjaṃ sbarṇaruciraṃ barābhayakaraṃ tathā।।
premāliṅganasambandhaṃ gṛṇastaṃ harināmakaṃ।
māyāramānaṅgabījairbāgbījena ca pūjitaḥ।।
ṣaṣṭhākṣaraḥ kīrttītohayaṃ mantrarājaḥ suradrumaḥ।
ebaṃ bahubidhā brahman mantrāste parikīrttitāḥ।।
barṇalakṣaḥ japet mantraṃ daśāṃśaśca madhuplutaiḥ।
tulasīpatrasaṃyuktairjuhuyāt paṅkajaiḥ śubhaiḥ।।
bhaktān saṃbhojayat tatra puraścaryyābidhau sadā।
harisaṅkīrtanaṃ brahman sadā kāryyaṃ dayānbitaiḥ।।
debadvijāti nindāñca manasā paribarjjayat।
gaṅgātīre kurukṣetre bārāṇasyāṃ biśeṣataḥ।।
bṛndābane ca mantro'yaṃ sādhitaḥ siddhimāpnuyāt।
puruṣottame ca mantro'yaṃ śīghraṃ siddhyati sādhitaḥ।
iti śrī urddhāmnāya saṃhitāyāṃ gauramantroddhāro nāma tṛtīya adhyāyaḥ।।
Translation:-Sri Vyasdeva said, O Narad, O ocean of mercy, please tell me in which form and how the Lord is worshiped in the Kali Yuga. Sri Narada said that by the name of Lord Krishna, all sins are eliminated, and he is worshiped as Gaura . Vyasdev said there is no doubt that the the holy name burns out the sin. Now tell me by which mantra the Lord Gauranga is worshipped?
Sri Narada said Aho! You have asked a deep secret. Listen to the auspicious mantra, which is giver of great virtue I am describing to you. The Lord is worshipped in all the three worlds by this mantra—oṃ gaurāya namaḥ. He is in two handed form bright molten gold in colour, bestowes benediction, and singing the Harinam he embraces everyone in Krishna prema. He is worshipped by this six syllable mantra. This mantra has the Vīja of māyā, rāma, anaṅga and bāga. This six syllable mantrarāja, I chanted to you, is like the desire tree, bestows krishna prema. One should chant this mantra one million times and worship the Lord with tulasī and lotus. After that one should feed the devotees for puraścaraṇa. And one should do hari nām sankirtan. One should not do blasphemy, even dont think of blasphemy. And chant this mantra beside the ganges like kurukshetra, varanasi etc. Particularly in Vrindavan and Purushottam, one can achieve siddhi soon by chanting this mantra.
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Source:- urdhvamnaya samhita Manuscript no 0093 ms srl no |
7) Brahmayāmala tantra chapter verse
śrīsadāśiba uvāca
tataḥ sa bhagabān kṛṣṇaḥ loka nistāra hetunā।
anantamuktabānadebo jāyasba pṛthibītale।।
gokule balarāmāya pātu tbāṃ śṛṇu pārbatī।
nityānandaḥ sa hi bhābi lokānāṃ hitakāmyayā।।
śacī ca debakī debī vasudebaḥ purandaraḥ।
tayoḥ prīte sa bhagabān caitanyatvaṃ gataḥ svayaṃ।।
kalau prabṛtte lokānāṃ gauracandraḥ śacīsutaḥ।
ābirāsīt gaurarūpī harināmeti saṃsmaran।।
kalau pūjādikaṃ nāsti dhyāna yajñādikī kriyā।
harināma binā debī nāsti satyaṃ brabīmyaham।।
Translation:- Then Lord Shri Krishna sent Anantadeva for salvation to all people. O Devi Parvathi who is Balaram in the Gokula, appeared as Lord Nityananda, for the sake of the people. Devaki Devi appeared as Sachimata and Vasudeva as Purandar Mishra. At the commencement of Kali, Lord Gaurachandra with his own abode came to deliver the three world by Harinam. O Devi, I am telling you the truth that there is no worship meditation, and fire sacrifice in Kali Yuga, the jivas can be saved through chanting the holy name alone.
tataḥ sa bhagabān kṛṣṇaḥ loka nistāra hetunā।
anantamuktabānadebo jāyasba pṛthibītale।।
gokule balarāmāya pātu tbāṃ śṛṇu pārbatī।
nityānandaḥ sa hi bhābi lokānāṃ hitakāmyayā।।
śacī ca debakī debī vasudebaḥ purandaraḥ।
tayoḥ prīte sa bhagabān caitanyatvaṃ gataḥ svayaṃ।।
kalau prabṛtte lokānāṃ gauracandraḥ śacīsutaḥ।
ābirāsīt gaurarūpī harināmeti saṃsmaran।।
kalau pūjādikaṃ nāsti dhyāna yajñādikī kriyā।
harināma binā debī nāsti satyaṃ brabīmyaham।।
Translation:- Then Lord Shri Krishna sent Anantadeva for salvation to all people. O Devi Parvathi who is Balaram in the Gokula, appeared as Lord Nityananda, for the sake of the people. Devaki Devi appeared as Sachimata and Vasudeva as Purandar Mishra. At the commencement of Kali, Lord Gaurachandra with his own abode came to deliver the three world by Harinam. O Devi, I am telling you the truth that there is no worship meditation, and fire sacrifice in Kali Yuga, the jivas can be saved through chanting the holy name alone.
Source:- Brahma yamal tantra manuscript no
8) Agni puran
Srila Bhakti vinod thakur mentioned this verse about Lord Gauranga from Agni puran, in his Nabadwip dham Mahatmya praman khanda
“śāntātmā lambakanṭhaśca gaurāṅgaśca surābṛtaḥ।"
Srila Bhakti vinod thakur mentioned this verse about Lord Gauranga from Agni puran, in his Nabadwip dham Mahatmya praman khanda
“śāntātmā lambakanṭhaśca gaurāṅgaśca surābṛtaḥ।"
(Agni purana chapter 49, verse 8)
Translation:- The Supreme Personality of Godhead will come in a golden form [gaura-anga], full of peace [prasantatma], and a beautiful long neck [lamba-kanthah]. He will be surrounded by many saintly devotees [sura-avrtah]
Translation:- The Supreme Personality of Godhead will come in a golden form [gaura-anga], full of peace [prasantatma], and a beautiful long neck [lamba-kanthah]. He will be surrounded by many saintly devotees [sura-avrtah]
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Source:- Agni puran Anandaashram Sanskrit Series edition, page no 91 year of publish |