SU 1-5

SU 1-5

।। Verse 5।।
pañcasrotohambuṃ pañcayonyugrabaktrāṃ
pañcaprāṇormiṃ pañcabuddhyādimūlām।
pañcabarttāṃ pañcaduḥkhaughabegāṃ
pañcaśadbhedāṃ pañcaparbāmadhīmaḥ।।
Translation:- This nature or material world established in the Brahman is like a river. This river consists of five streams. The fierce fountain-head of the river is Pañcatanmātra. The five prāṇas are the five types wave. The origin of the river is five sense organs, which are the cause of knowledge. There is also five whirlpools— the five working organs. The Pañcamahābhūta is the speed of the river. This river has five different Parvas. 
-: Commentary by Raṅgarāmānuja :- 
srotorūpeṇa bicchinnatayā prabarttamānāni tamo'kṣarābyaktamahadahaṅkārarūpāṇi ambusthānīyāni yasyāḥ sā tathoktā mahābhūtopādānatayā yonibhūtāni pañcatanmātrāṇyebograbaktrāṇi prabāhamukharūpāṇi yasyāḥ sā pañcayonyugrabaktrā prāṇāpānādaya়ḥ pañcormisthāniyā yasyāḥ sā pañcaprāṇormiḥ buddherjñānasya ādibhūtāni pañcajñānendriyāṇi mūlaṃ yasyāḥ sā pañcabuddhyādimūlā pañcakarmendriyāṇi ābarttasthānīyāni yasyāḥ sā pañcabarttā pañcamahābhūtāni atyanta pratikūlatayā prabarttamānāni oghobegasthānīyāni yasyāḥ sā pañcaduḥkhaughabegā ākārādi pañcāśaৎbarṇalakṣaṇānām bhedayuktā ‘tamomohomahāmohastāmisraḥ' iti purāṇaprasiddhapañcabidha sṛṣṭilakṣaṇaparbapañcakayuktāṃ brahmātmikāṃ prakṛtiṃ tadadhiṣṭhātāraṃ ca paramātmānamadhīmaḥ smarāma iti apaśyanniti pūrbeṇānbayaḥ।। 
Translation of commentary:- 
In this mantra the realization by the sages of the Prakṛti which is established in the Brahman, is explained with the metaphor of a river. The stream of the river is flowing continuously. The water of this river is Tamaḥ, Akṣara, Abyākta, Mahat, and Ahaṅkāra. The Pañcatanmātra, which are the cause of the Pañcamahābhūta, is the source of the river. The Prāṇa, Apāṇa etc are the five waves of the river. The five sense organs, which are the source of knowledge, like eye, ear etc are the origin of the river. The five working organs or Pañcakarmendriya, like the hand, legs etc are the whirlpools in the river. They are the cause of the sorrows, and trouble. The speed of the river is the Pañcamahābhūta. The Tamaḥ, Moha, Mahāmoha, Tamisra, and Andhatāmisra, which are well known in the Purāṇa as characteristics of creation are the five Parvas of the river. The Brahman in the form of soul present in the river which is symbolizing the Prakṛti. The sages realized and meditated on the Prakṛti, and the brahman present in it. The verb “Apaśyan" in the 3rd mantra is used in this context also. 
-: Commentary by Raṅgarāmānuja :-  
 evaṃ kiṃ kāraṇaṃ brahma kutaḥsma jātā iti cintāyāṃ debātmaśaktiṃ yaḥ kāraṇāni nikhilāni iti anena ca debaśabdita nārāyaṇa eba sarbakāraṇaṃ apariṇāmino'pi tasya kāraṇatbanirbāhikā prakṛtiriti bistāro darśitaḥ adhiṣṭhitāḥ kena sukhetareṣbiti cintāyāḥ bistāraṃ darśayati।
-:Translation of commentary:- 
In the previous mantra the Svarūpa of the Brahman, and from whom the Jivas are born is explained. The energy of the Lord is the Upādāna kāraṇa of the universe. The Lord is nārāyaṇa, who is the cause of all causes. 
The brahman is without any  modification, so how this diversified universe is produced from it? This universe is the consequence of the material nature, which is the energy of Lord nārāyaṇa. 
Now in the folowing mantra the remaining questions are answered here. In the 6th mantra it is answered that— presided by whom the jivas experiences the happiness and sufferings? 

-:Gaudiya commentary:- 