SU 1-6

SU 1-6

।। Verse 6।।
Sarbājīve sarbasaṃsthe bṛhante
asmina haṃso bhrāmyate brahmacakre।
Pṛthagātmānaṃ preritārañca matvā
juṣṭastatastenāmṛtatbameti।। 1/6
Translation:- The jivās in the form of a swan migrate from the time immemorial in the wheel of Brahman, which is the executor of life of every jivās, and reservoir of every jivās, which is greater than the greatest. When the Jivās know he and the Paramātmā, who is the director of all Jivās, are different, became satisfied and liberated by the mercy of Paramātmā. 
-:Commentary of raṅgarāmānuja:- 
sarbān ājībayatīti sarbājībaṃ anena jībāma kena ityasyottaraṃ uktaṃ bhabati, sarbeṣāṃ saṃsthā samāptiḥ pralayo yasmin tat sarbasaṃsthaṃ anena ca kba ca saṃpratiṣṭhā ityasya uttaraṃ uktaṃ bhabati, bṛṃhante bṛhatītyarthaḥ ataśca niratiśaya় bṛhatbādeba sarbasaṃsthatbādikaṃ yujyata iti bhābaḥ tādṛśe brahmarūpe cakre haṃti gacchati anekajanmasahasrasañcaraṇaśīla iti haṃso jībaḥ parabaśatayā bhrāmayan sarbabhūtāni yantrārūḍhāni māyayetyuktarītyā brahmacakreṇa bhrāmyamāno'yaṃ bhramatītyarthaḥ, etajajñānasya phalamāha pṛthagātmānaṃ ityādinā ityuktarītyā bhrāmayitṛtbena paramātmānaṃ tena bhrāmyamāṇaṃ taccharīrabhutaṃ ca sbātmānaṃ pṛthak matbā juṣṭatajjñānaprītena paramātmanā prītyā biṣayīkṛtaḥ sadh muktiṃ prāpnoti ityarthaḥ। tataścāmṛtatbaphalaprāptihetubhūtajñānabiṣayasya preryaprerakalakṣaṇajībaparabhedasya paramārthatbamuktaṃ bhabati aparamārthajñānasya mokṣahetutbāsambhabāditi।।
Translation of commentary:- 
The Sarbājīva means by whom all the jvas live. It answers the question by which do we live? 
The Sarbasaṃstha means which is Saṃsthā of every thing or where every thing is placed at the end. This is the answer of the question in whom we are dissoluted during the pralaya. How during pralaya everything are placed within him. Because brahman is the bigger than the biggest, “bṛhat bastu". So the extremely biggest brahman is appropiate for the residing place of everything. This is the significance of the word bṛṃhante. The jivas subordinate and dependent on brahman migrates in the brahmacakra, or the material world in the form of a swan. Means the Jivās suffer in the cycle of birth and death. In the Gītā the Lord also stated that ‘the jivas are migrated by the illusionary potency of brahman like a person travels in a machine'
The sentence Pṛthagātmānaṃ etc told the outcome of knowing the knowledge of soul and supersoul. The Jivas became blissfull by knowing the paramātmā, who is causing the jivas to migrate in the cycles of birth and death, and knowing himself the body of the Paramātmā. And the jivas are different and distinct from the Paramātmā. 
Then the jivas are accepted by the Paramātmā with affection and love. Means the jivas became liberated. So this knowledge of difference of the jivas and Paramātmā is the cause of liberation and immortality. So this knowledge  is Paramārtha. Because  Mokṣa is attainable only by Paramārtha . 
Gaudiya vaishnava commentary:- 
bhayaṁ dvitīyābhiniveśataḥ syād
īśād apetasya viparyayo ’smṛtiḥ
tan-māyayāto budha ābhajet taṁ
bhaktyaikayeśaṁ guru-devatātmā (
ŚB 11.2.37)
Translation:- Fear arises when a living entity misidentifies himself as the material body because of absorption in the external, illusory energy of the Lord. When the living entity thus turns away from the Supreme Lord, he also forgets his own constitutional position as a servant of the Lord. This bewildering, fearful condition is effected by the potency for illusion, called māyā. Therefore, an intelligent person should engage unflinchingly in the unalloyed devotional service of the Lord, under the guidance of a bona fide spiritual master, whom he should accept as his worshipable deity and as his very life and soul.